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9th Chamber Music Recital -- Faculty Recital University of Illinois -- Kevina Lam, piano; Iura de Rezende, clarinet. USA


6th, Oscar Navarro's II Concerto for Clarinet and Wind Orchestra --  Wind Symphony of the University of Illinois UC. Urbana/Champaign, USA.

15th, Recital at "Clarinet Day" at University of Illinois Urbana/Champaign, USA.

26th, Chamber Music Recital at Krannert Center for the Performing Arts; Faculty of SoM University of Illinois UC;

Denise Djokic, cello and Iura de Rezende, clarinet; "The fence, the rooftop, and the distant sea" by Kinan Azmeh. USA


14th - Recital at "Fabr'ka glasbena" Music Festival, Borovnica, Slovenia. 

15th - Recital and Master class at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.


20th - Chamber Music Recital at Conservatorio Mineiro de Musica (University of Minas Gerais). Rodrigo Oliveira, violin; Iura de Rezende, clarinet; Elisa Galeano, piano. Belo Horizonte, Brazil.


10th, The Northern Neck Orchestra Chamber Music Series, Trios for clarinet , violin and piano.  Kilmarnock, Virginia. USA


9th, Clarinet and piano Recital at Bede Hall Theater. Kevina Lam,piano; Iura de Rezende, clarinet. St. Meirad, Indiana. USA.

24th, Clarinet and piano Recital at "Haus de Begenung"Theater. Naila Alvarenga, piano; Iura de Rezende, clarinet. Grenzach-Whylen, Germany.

26th, Masterclass at the University of Zagreb. Croatia


18th, Masterclass at Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais (UEMG). Belo Horizonte, Brazil. 

21st, Clarinet and piano Recital. French Repertoire. Elisa Galeano, piano; Iura de Rezende, clarinet. Centro Cultural UFSJ. Sao Joao del Rei, Brazil.




27th - Master Class and Recital at University of Illinois – Urbana/Champaign, USA.


6th - Chamber Music Recital – Clarinet, Percussion and Piano. Works by Carl Nielsen, Schumann, Alexina Louie. Centro Cultural UFSJ, São João del Rei – Brazil 

28th - Chamber Music Recital at 9th Festival of May – Voice, Clarinet and Piano. Works by Mozart, Rossini and Spohr. Centro Cultural UFSJ, São João del Rei – Brazil 


10th - Chamber Music Recital – Clarinet, Violin, Viola and Cello.. Works by Penderecki, Villa-Lobos, Peter von Winter, Rebecca Clarke. Music Series “Manhãs Musicais” at Fundação de Educação Artística, Belo Horizonte, Brazil



7th - Chamber Music Recital at 8th Festival of May – Flute, Clarinet, Cello and Piano. Works by Haydn, Danzi, Beethoven, and Saint-Saens. Centro Cultural UFSJ, São João del Rei – Brazil 

23rd Chamber Music Recital at 8th Festival of May –  Beethoven's Septet op. 20. Teatro Centro Cultural Unimed-BH Minas, Belo Horizonte – Brazil. 

25th Works by Beethoven: Trio op. 11 for Clarinet, Cello and Piano. Centro Cultural Unimed-BH Minas, Belo Horizonte – Brazil. 

27th &28th - Chamber Music Recital at Sala Cecília Meireles, Rio de Janeiro. "Antonio Meneses & Amigos". Tickets at: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


8th - Chamber Music Recital -  Faculty Recital  - School of Music / University of Illinois Urbana/ Champaign -- W.A. Mozart "Gran Partita". Urbana/Champaign, USA.


6th- Duke Ellington's version of the "Nutcracker Suite" . Jim Pugh, Iura de Rezende, Jazz Orchestra SoM University of Illinois. Krannert Center for the Performing Arts.  7:30 pm.

14th - Half-Recital and Masterclass at Minas Gerais State University (UEMG), Belo Horizonte, Brazil

17th -  Chamber Music Recital - Iura de Rezende and Guignard String Quartet. Domus Aurea (Private Theater) , Retiro da Pedras, Belo Horizonte - Brazil.​​




July - Article presentation and publication at the Web Audio Conference ( in Barcelona, Spain. Article’s name: Surfing with Narcissus: Updating the Technology used in Thea Musgrave’s work for solo clarinet 


May 30 - Lecture – The Transformation of Idiomatic Writing for Clarinet in Early Clarinet Concertos at I Online International Clarinet Festival of Bahia.

June 10 - Online MasterClass – Clarinet Orchestral Excerpts for member of the GOIAS Youth Orchestra. @orquetrasinfonicajovemdegoias

October 02 - Round Table – at Minas Gerais Philharmonic Orchestra Academic Festival.

October 08 – Online Lecturer at Minas Gerais Music Conservatory of Sao Joao del Rei.

Due the COVID 19 virus, the following performances were canceled.




28th  Brahms Recital – Sonatas op 120 n.1, n.2 and Trio op 114. Solar da Baronesa, São João del Rei – Brazil




17th  – 23rd  Music Festival of May – More infos coming soon. Fundação de Educação Artística, Belo Horizonte – Brazil 


28th – 31st  I International Clarinet Festival of Bahia – Salvador – Brazil




5th  Chamber Music Recital – Works by Alban Berg and Bartók. Solar da Baronesa, São João del Rei – Brazil (Borislava Iltcheva, violin and Elisa Galleano, piano)


7th Chamber Music Recital – Works by Beethoven, Alban Berg and Bartók. Fundação de Educação Artística, Belo Horizonte – Brazil (Borislava Iltcheva, violin and Elisa Galleano, piano)


25th – 28th  II International Clarinet Symposium of São João del Rei city - Brazil. Artistic Director.






23rd  Chamber Music Recital at the 31st Chamber Music Week. Works by Khachaturian, Martinu, and Debussy. Fundação de Educação Artística, Belo Horizonte – Brazil (Borsilava Iltcheva, violin and Elisa Galleano, piano)


26th  Chamber Music Recital. Khachaturian, Martinu, and Debussy. State Conservatory São joão del Rei city – Brazil (Borsilava Iltcheva, violin and Elisa Galleano, piano)




3rd – 5th  I International Clarinet Symposium of São João del Rei city – Brazil


25th   Mozart Quintets. “Conexões Musicais”, Minas Gerais Federal University Music Conservatory, Belo Horizonte – Brazil




1st  Chamber Music with viola, clarinet and piano. Works by Clarke, Debussy, and Mozart. Concerto MEC – Radio MEC, Rio de Janeiro – Brazil


2nd  Chamber Music with viola, clarinet and piano. Works by Clarke, Debussy, Weber, and Mozart. Solar da Baronesa, São Joõa del Rei – Brazil


5th  Chamber Music with viola, clarinet and piano. Works by Clarke, Debussy, Weber, and Mozart. ECA Cultural Center, Belo Horizonte – Brazil


24th  Chamber Music with viola, clarinet and piano. Works by Clarke, Debussy, Weber, and Mozart. 30thInternational Music Festival at Juiz de Fora – Brazil




21st  Chamber recital with Clarinet, Bassoon and Piano. Works by Strauss, Mendelssohn, and Glinka. Solar da Baronesa, São joõa del Rei – Brazil


30th  Soloist, Stamitz Clarinet Concerto. UFSJ Symphony Orchestra. São João del Rei - Brazil




6th  Clarinet and Piano Recital. 20th “Domingo na Lira”. Prados – Brazil


30th Clarinet and Piano Recital. Fundação de Educação Artística, Belo Horizonte – Brazil (Willis Delony, piano)



9th  Chamber Music Recital, Beethoven Trio op. 11. Solar da Baronesa, São João del Rei – Brazil


17th Clarinet and Piano Recital, “Manhãs Musicais” Concert Series. Fundação de Educação Artística, Belo Horizonte – Brazil (Elisa Galleano, piano)


26th  Festival of May – Clarinet solo Piece – Santoro. Fundação de Educação Artística, Belo Horizonte – Brazil




3rd – 7th  International Clarinet Conference at Santa Cruz de La Sierra - Bolivia


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